Bilingual Glossary

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Cram school Hits: 69

An after-school tutoring service that emphasizes skill building through rote memorization.   

Cooperative learning Hits: 129

Students from varied backgrounds and abilities work together in small groups. 

Content-based ESL Hits: 114

This approach makes use of instructional materials, learning tasks, and classroom techniques from academic content areas as the vehible for developing language, content, cognitive and study skills.  English is the medium of instruction. 

content knowledge Hits: 102

The concepts, principles, relationships, processes, and applications of an academic subject that children should know. The developmental age and grade level of a child should determine the extent of the knowledge expected.

Comprehensible Output Hits: 118

Creating opportunities for ELLs to practice speaking with their classmates at their level of competency. 

Comprehensible input Hits: 86

Understandable and meaningful language directed at second language learners that includes a range of planned strategies to give linguistic and contextual support.

Communicative competence Hits: 141

The ability to appropriately produce language both orally and in writing. 

Cognitive academic language proficiency Hits: 75
Synonyms: CALP

The language ability required for academic achievement.

Cognitive Academic Language Learning Approach Hits: 114
Synonyms: CALLA

A program model based on cognitive learning theory, CALLA integrates content-area instruction with language development activities and explicit instruction in learning strategies (Chamot & O’Malley, 1994). 

code switching Hits: 90

The practice of using more than one language to express a thought or idea.

CLD Hits: 115

Culturally and linguistically diverse.  A national-origin-minority student who is limited-English proficient. 

Chunk Hits: 149

Several words that are usually used together in fixed expressions, such as, “Hello, how are you?” 

cerebral palsy Hits: 119

A disorder of posture, muscle tone, and movement resulting from brain damage.

biliteracy Hits: 115

Having the knowledge and skill to read and write in one's home language and in a second language.

The ability to read and write in two languages. 

Bilingualism Hits: 179

The ability to understand and use two languages in reading, writing, listening, and speaking.