Bilingual Glossary

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Background knowledge Hits: 127
Synonyms: prior knowledge

this term refers to the background experience and knowledge that students bring to the classroom. 

BICS Hits: 119

Basic interpersonal communication skills.  The language ability required for verbal face-to-face communication.

Biculturalism Hits: 142

Near native-like knowledge of two cultures.  Includes the ability to respond effectively in two cultures.

bilingual Hits: 126

A person [child or adult] who speaks two languages.

Bilingual Education Hits: 100

Teachers are licensed in a content area with bilingual endorsement. ELL students receive cores curriculum instruction in L1, while developing English language skills in other classes.

Bilingual paraprofessional Hits: 188

Associate Educator, Aide): ESL staff who collaborate with licensed staff, support ESL students with minimal supervision, and assists with second language and second culture families as needed. 

Bilingual program assistant Hits: 230

(Community Outreach Liaison): Serves as a communication link to ESL families and communities under the supervision of licensed staff. 

Bilingual teacher Hits: 202

Instructs in a content area using both English and students’ native language.  A bilingual endorsement as well as a content area license are required. 

Bilingualism Hits: 179

The ability to understand and use two languages in reading, writing, listening, and speaking. 

biliteracy Hits: 115

Having the knowledge and skill to read and write in one's home language and in a second language.

The ability to read and write in two languages.