Bilingual Glossary
A process by which adults or more able peers provide supportive structures to help children learn and play. Scaffolding occurs at a time when children are faced with a challenge that they can solve with a simple hint, question, or prompt.
The process by which a child or an adult learns to understand and use a second language.
Teachers are TESOL and Content licensed. ELLs receive core curriculum instruction through the use of modified English and scaffolding activities to ensure that materials is comprehensible and students have an opportunity to achieve standards at grade level.
Synonyms: SIOP
A program model for teaching grade-level content in a way that is understandable for ELL students while at the same time promoting their English language development.
Synonyms: simultaneous-bilingualism
The process of learning two languages at the same time.
The variety of English initially used by most speakers learning English as a second language in informal situations and conversations.
Based on the work of Vygotsky (1978), sociocultural theory presents the perspective that children's cognitive structures are developed through the actions and speech of their caretakers and are transmitted through social interactions. It follows then that there will be culturally coded styles of speech and interaction, which will result in culturally related patterns of thought.
Synonyms: SDAIE
Specifically Designed Academic Instruction in English. A type of sheltered English instruction that allows ELLs to progress in academic classes as they learn English. The language of instruction is adapted to the learners’ English level.
The goal of this program is acquisition of English language skills so that the ELLs can succeed in an English-only mainstream classroom. All instruction in an immersion program is in English.
A submersion program places ELLs in a regular English-only program with little or no support services on the theory that they will pick up English naturally.
Learning a second language at the expense of the first or native language.
Synonyms: successive bilingualism
The process of learning a second language after the first language has already been learned or after basic mastery in that first language has been achieved.