Bilingual Glossary

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Parent refusal Hits: 84

Parents decline ESL services for which children qualify.  Students are placed in mainstream programs without ESL support, but, in Ohio, students remain eligible for accommodations on statewide tests and must take the OTELA until exited from the ESL program. 

PEPSI Hits: 71

the stages of second language acquisition (Krashen and Terrell, 1984): Pre-production, Early Production, Speech emergence, Intermediate and advanced fluency. 

PHLOTE Hits: 81

Person whose Home Language is Other Than English 

phonemic awareness Hits: 132

The ability to hear, identify, and manipulate the sequence of individual sounds (phonemes) in spoken words.

phonics Hits: 133

The understanding that there is a predictable relationship between phonemes (the sounds of spoken language) and graphemes (the letters and spellings that represent those sounds in written language).

phonological awareness Hits: 142

The ability to detect or manipulate the sound structure of spoken words, independent of meaning. It is an increasingly sophisticated capability that is highly predictive of a child’s later ability to read.

phonology Hits: 106

The system or pattern of speech sounds used in a particular language.

Plurilingualism Hits: 82

Developing a degree of communication in a number of languages over a lifetime, not necessarily in a school setting.

pragmatic/communicative competence Hits: 79

The ability to understand and apply social rules for language use. Children who are skilled at pragmatic use or who have communicative competence can use language to persuade peers and adults, ask and answer questions in school, and request entry into a playgroup.

private speech Hits: 141

The practice of children talking aloud to themselves while engaged in play.

Proxemics Hits: 118

The study of spatial distances allowed between individuals in different cultures and situations.