Bilingual Glossary

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immigrant experience Hits: 168

An individual's or family's experience of leaving one's home country and moving to a new country.

indigenous Hits: 72

Having origins in a region or a country.

Individualized Education Program Hits: 128
Synonyms: IEP

A written plan constituting a legal document that states a child’s present level of functioning; specific areas that need special services; annual goals; short-term objectives; services to be provided; and the method of evaluation to be implemented for children three to twenty-one years of age who have been determined eligible for special education (Cook, Klein, and Tessier 2004).

Individualized Family Service Plan Hits: 134
Synonyms: IFSP

The IFSP is both a process and a document. The IFSP process consists of the gathering, sharing, and exchange of information between families and staff to enable families to make informed choices about the early intervention services they want for their children. The IFSP document is a written contract that outlines outcome statements to be achieved by the infant or toddler with special needs and his/her family (Cook, Klein, & Tessier, 2004).

Informed parental consent Hits: 114

The permission or refusal of parents to enroll their child in an ELL program after the parent is provided effective notice of the educational options and the district’s educational recommendations. 

Interpreter Hits: 97

Interpreter” and “translator” are often used interchangeably, but they have different meanings.  An interpreter conveys information from one language to another orally.  A translator conveys information in the written form (Weber, 1990).