0-6 months
Uses a variety of cries to express different needs
Responds to sounds by turning head
Uses sounds or gestures to indicate wants
Frequently coos and makes pleasure sounds
Imitates tongue movements and smiles at familiar faces
Looks and smiles at people when talked to
7-12 months
Listens to and imitates some adult speech sounds pitch patterns
Babbles using long and short groups of sounds
Understands phrases like “no-no,” “all gone,” and “bye-bye”
Makes some appropriate use of gestures (shakes head for “no”)
Begins to change babbling to jargon
Uses speech intentionally for the first time
Say “mama” or “dada” for parents
13-18 months
Looks for hidden objects
Points or gestures to communicate needs
Talks in single words, often omits sounds
Uses jargon and repeats some words
Has 3-20 words (mostly nouns) in expressive vocabulary
Identifies 1-3 body parts
Follows simple directions
19-24 months
Expressive vocabulary of 50 to 100 words
Receptive vocabulary or 300 + words
Starts to combine nouns and verbs
Begins to use pronouns
Is approximately 25-50% intelligible to strangers
Names a few familiar objects
Identifies 5-6 body parts on a doll
Begins to understand adjectives in phrases
2-3 years
Speech is 50-75% intelligible
Consistently uses initial consonants
Frequently uses medial consonants
Frequently omits or substitutes final consonants
Begins to demonstrate turn-taking and sharing behaviors
Follows simple commands and answers simple questions
Uses 3-4 word phrases
Has a receptive vocabulary of 500-900 words
Has an expressive vocabulary of 50-250 or more words
3-4 years
Spontaneously uses 4-5 word sentences
Is at least 80% intelligible
Uses irregular plurals, future tense verbs, conjunctions, and contractions
Understands object functions
1,000-2,000+ word receptive vocabulary
800-1,500+ word expressive vocabulary
Uses helping verbs in sentences
Tells 2 events in chronological order
4-5 years
Consistently uses grammatically correct sentences of 4-8 words
Completes analogies
Identifies all basic colors
Likes to pretend and act out stories
Understands and answers complex 2-part questions
Significantly reduces number of persistent sound omissions and substitutions
5-6 years
Follows 3 step directions
Asks “how” questions
Uses past and future tenses appropriately
Uses conjunctions
Names opposites
Accurately relays a story
Exchanges information and asks questions
6-7 years
Names letters and numbers
Is detailed in descriptions
Uses irregular verb forms
Names days, months and numbers in order
Comprehends future and past tenses
Understands humor
Wonders about abstract events like how things work
Counts to 100
Uses most grammar appropriately
Has a receptive vocabulary of approximately 20,000 words