Birth-3 months
Hands are in a fist, thumbs are tucked in
Baby’s arms move randomly in asymmetric patterns
Watches movements of her hands and can bring the hand to her mouth
Swings at a target using her entire arm
Follows a moving person with his eyes
Holds objects in hands without dropping
3-6 months
Picks up objects with one hand
Transfers objects from one hand to another
Looks at objects a few feet away
Holds hands together
Reaches for a toy using both arms and holds it briefly
6-9 months
Rakes tiny objects with fingers
Uses thumb and fingertips to grasp objects
Uses thumb and side of index finger to grip objects
Holds 2 objects, one in each hand, at the same time
Uses 2 hands to pick up large objects
9-12 months
Puts small objects in cup or other container
Turns book pages a few at a time
Attempts to imitate new gestures
Pokes and points at things using index finger
Grabs crayons in fist
Uses both hands and begins to show preference for one
12-18 months
Builds tower of 2 or more blocks
Marks with crayon or pencil
Marks a piece of paper with a crayon and scribbles imitatively
Stacks 2-3 cubes
Can hold an object with one hand and manipulate it with the other hand
18-24 months
Starts using fingers and thumb to grasp crayons
Imitates vertical and circular scribbles
Turns pages of a book one at a time
Strings 1 inch beads
Builds tower with 3-5 blocks
2 years
Removes screw-on lid from bottle
Stacks 8-10 cubes
Strings 2-4 beads
Copies circle
3-4 years
Cuts across paper with small scissors
Draws or copies a complete circle
Unbuttons 3 buttons
4-5 years
Prints first name
Draws a person that has at least 3 parts- head, eyes, nose, etc.
Draws recognizable pictures
Buttons and unbuttons 1 button
Grasps marker between thumb and pad of index finger