
"Salamat Group Innovators Company" with the brand name "Saaland Health Group" with a team of physicians - teachers active in the field of play and learning, prioritizes health education over treatment and according to the best age of prevention and educability of children and adolescents up to 9 15 years, this age group has been targeted by society. To achieve this, Saaland Health Group has chosen to teach health knowledge and increase physical activity through gamification by examining the best educational methods in the world. Scientific research, design, production, testing and promotion of Saaland health education plan started in 1993 and after research studies, a game design working group was formed. Saaland health games were designed, built and ready for use with the structure of intellectual games and movement-skill games in the form of original and adapted ideas. These games were performed in various schools and educational and cultural complexes after repeated studies and necessary tests in terms of science and practice.

Saaland Group uses the scientific documents of the country as the official basis of the games and its target topics, and in this regard, it seeks the guidance and advice of the professors of Shahid Beheshti Medical University. The plan and method of Saaland group is so strong and reasoned from a scientific point of view that it has been considered by professors and students in fields related to education, medicine and social sciences. So far, several scientific articles and a master's thesis Health and Increasing Physical Activity ”has been written and published in prestigious domestic and foreign scientific-research journals and congresses.

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