Our Emotions in 5 books - Book set

PRICE 98,000 تومان 98,000 تومان

Author: Brittany Cando
Translator: Javad Karimi
ISBN: 9786004772396
Size: Square
No. of pages: 120
Cover Type: local UV
Paper type: Glossy
Language: Persian
Age category: Newborn to age 6, Ages 7–9
Subject: کودکان- شناخت احساسات
Age category: 3+
Not available
Iran Technical Publications (Nardeban)
Author: Brittany Cando
Translator: Javad Karimi
ISBN: 9786004772396
Size: Square
No. of pages: 120
Cover Type: local UV
Paper type: Glossy
Language: Persian
Age category: Newborn to age 6, Ages 7–9
Subject: کودکان- شناخت احساسات
Age category: 3+
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Circular Pattern - Intellectual game
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Three-ring Pattern - Intellectual game
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Directional Pattern - Intellectual game
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Your body belongs to you
Manufacturer: Iran Technical Publications (Nardeban)
78,000 تومان
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