Howard B. Wigglebottom Learns to Listen

PRICE 25,000 تومان
Manufacturer: Iran Technical Publications (Nardeban)
Author: Howard Binkow
Translator: Faraz Pendar
illustrator: Susan F. Cornelison
ISBN: 9789643892784
Size: Square
No. of pages: 32
Cover Type: Paperback
Paper type: Glossy
Language: Persian
Age category: Newborn to age 6, Ages 7–9
Age category: 4-7

Want to listen better? It will help you stay safe, in less trouble and learn more. Listening and paying attention are different and mean more than do as we are told. Award-winning…educator endorsed. FREE download discussion ideas, video poster, song, interactive questions.

Howard B. Wigglebottom is helping millions of children listen better to others, their hearts, feelings, bodies, and to intuition, the little voice in their head. 15 books, animations and lessons help

ages 4-7 become better listeners and learn important life lessons.

Iran Technical Publications (Nardeban)
Author: Howard Binkow
Translator: Faraz Pendar
illustrator: Susan F. Cornelison
ISBN: 9789643892784
Size: Square
No. of pages: 32
Cover Type: Paperback
Paper type: Glossy
Language: Persian
Age category: Newborn to age 6, Ages 7–9
Age category: 4-7
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