My first math dictionary - educational book

My first math dictionary - educational book

PRICE 60,000 تومان 60,000 تومان
Manufacturer: Ghadyani Publication
Author: Tori Large, Kirsteen Rogers
Translator: Azizeh Rahmani
illustrator: Ruth Russell
ISBN: 9786002514455
Size: Magazine Dimension
No. of pages: 136
Cover Type: Hardcover
Paper type: Glossy
Language: Persian
Age category: Ages 7–9, Ages 10–12
Subject: Increase vocabulary, Encyclopedia, Youth
Age category: 9+
Not available

Usborne illustrated Maths Dictionary

Ghadyani Publication
Author: Tori Large, Kirsteen Rogers
Translator: Azizeh Rahmani
illustrator: Ruth Russell
ISBN: 9786002514455
Size: Magazine Dimension
No. of pages: 136
Cover Type: Hardcover
Paper type: Glossy
Language: Persian
Age category: Ages 7–9, Ages 10–12
Subject: Increase vocabulary, Encyclopedia, Youth
Age category: 9+
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Manufacturer: Kalam Publication
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40,000 تومان
45,000 تومان
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